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40 React Project Ideas for Beginners to Advanced

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React is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is becoming increasingly popular among web developers, and for good reason. React is easy to learn, but it is also powerful enough to build complex applications.

If you are learning React, one of the best ways to improve your skills is to build projects. Projects can help you to learn new concepts, practice your skills, and build a portfolio of work that you can show to potential employers.

Here are 40 React project ideas for beginners to advanced:

Beginner Projects

  • Simple to-do list app: This is a great project for beginners to learn the basics of React, such as components, props, and state.
  • Random quote generator: This project is a bit more challenging than the to-do list app, but it will help you to learn about functions, loops, and conditionals.
  • Calculator app: This project will help you to learn about more advanced React concepts, such as event handling and routing.
  • Rock-paper-scissors game: This project is a fun way to learn about state management in React.
  • Tic Tac Toe game: This project is a bit more challenging than Rock-paper-scissors, but it is a great way to learn about React components and props.
  • Basic weather app: This project will help you to learn about fetching data from an API in React.
  • Countdown timer app: This project is a great way to learn about functions and loops in React.
  • Blog app: This project is a good way to learn about routing, state management, and stylesheets in React.
  • Recipe app: This project is a bit more challenging than the blog app, but it is a great way to learn about React components and props.
  • Todo list with local storage: This project will help you to learn about local storage in React.

Intermediate Projects

  • Stopwatch app: This project is a good way to learn about event handling in React.
  • Quiz app: This project is a great way to learn about conditional rendering and state management in React.
  • Pomodoro timer: This project is a bit more challenging than the stopwatch app, but it is a great way to learn about timers and functions in React.
  • Music player: This project will help you to learn about audio APIs in React.
  • Movie search app: This project is a good way to learn about fetching data from an API and displaying it in React.
  • Expense tracker: This project is a bit more challenging than the movie search app, but it is a great way to learn about state management and forms in React.
  • Note-taking app: This project is a great way to learn about React components and props.
  • Chat app with WebSockets: This project is a bit more challenging than the note-taking app, but it is a great way to learn about real-time communication in React.
  • Social media app with Firebase: This project is a great way to learn about Firebase and building a full-stack application with React.
  • E-commerce app with Stripe: This project is a challenging project, but it is a great way to learn about e-commerce and building a production-ready application with React.

Advanced Projects

  • Video streaming app with RTMP: This project is a great way to learn about video streaming APIs in React.
  • Image gallery with Cloudinary: This project is a good way to learn about image APIs in React.
  • Restaurant reservation system with GraphQL: This project is a great way to learn about GraphQL and building a complex application with React.
  • Dashboard app with D3.js: This project is a bit more challenging than the restaurant reservation system, but it is a great way to learn about data visualization in React.
  • Full-stack app with Node.js and Express: This project is a great way to learn about building a full-stack application with React and Node.js.
  • Portfolio website with Gatsby: Gatsby is a great tool for building static websites with React. This project is a great way to learn about Gatsby and building a beautiful portfolio website.
  • Map app with Google Maps API: This project is a good way to learn about the Google Maps API and building a map application with React.
  • Stock market dashboard with React-Redux: React-Redux is a great tool for state management in React. This project is a great way to learn about React-Redux and building a complex application with React.
  • Real-time multiplayer game with Socket.IO: Socket.IO is a great tool for building real-time applications