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Front End Development: Trends and Framework to watch


The front-end development industry has been on the rise in recent times. Newer and better technologies, software, and innovations all contribute to the current status of such development. Moreover, the increase in user expectations is a factor. More users demand more adaptable, flexible, and efficient technologies.

Technology development is not solely on web applications anymore. Rather, mobile applications also saw a rapid increase in popularity. Endeavors also focuses on mobile application development, especially in creating adaptable projects for multiple platforms. Whether iOS, Android, or cross-platform kinds, technology development is utilized in various projects.

With that, we must know what is "in" for front-end development.

What is Front-End Development?

Front-end development focuses on developing the user interface (UI) of an application or website. In its simplest sense, front-end development combines web components that interact with users. This includes graphics, texts, checkboxes, and the like--consisting of everything that users can see.

Front-end development utilizes technology languages like CSS, HTML, React, and JavaScript. Data shows JavaScript as the leading IT job offer in Poland (2019) with 74%, followed by others mentioned above. Moreover, the rise in popularity of these components is also associated with the rising salaries for front-end developers. A senior front-end developer earns about AU$100,000, showing the high demand for the job.

In 2024, multiple trends and frameworks are rising in popularity. Meanwhile, some remain relevant up to this date. Here are some current trends and frameworks in front-end development.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) have increased in popularity, making them a standard for most development endeavors. It offers a consistent user experience regardless of the device and platform used. PWAs have also aided in making mobile applications more user-friendly. Thus, reflecting its flexible nature from improving websites to mobile apps.

PWAs consist of various features that make it helpful for developers and users alike. Here are some key features of PWA:

  • Offline Function: PWAs can work even if not connected to the internet.
  • Push Notifications: users of PWAs can receive notifications even if the application is not open in the background.
  • Responsive UX Designs: PWAs are adaptable to various platforms and device interfaces.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The increasing relevance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) made it a major factor in better development. It has opened new opportunities for such endeavors. AI continues to improve user experience by providing customized information to users. This makes users feel like the content is personalized for them. Thus, improving appreciation for the front-end features of an application.

Here are some useful AI tools for front-end development:

  • Dialogflow
  • Algorithmia
  • TensorFlow

Jamstack Architecture

Jamstack architecture offers more competent developments. It combines JavaScript, APIs, and Markup, and separates the front end from the back end of an app. Jamstack architecture provides better app performance, improved scalability, and more affordable developments. More people are becoming fond of this approach as time goes by.

Motion UI

Having more interactive interfaces is beneficial for project development. Developers can utilize animations and motion UI to catch the attention of more users. Websites that incorporate motion in their interface are more likely to be appreciated by people. Besides its visual appeal, motion UI creates smoother site navigation and better app interaction.


JavaScript remains one of the most popular programming languages in the market. It offers appealing choices for developers, making projects better and of higher quality. Moreover, JavaScript is relatively easy to use and learn. It is also versatile in its functions and offers your app more security.


React is a well-known front-end framework. It is an open-source type, making it a simple learning framework for most people. React can be best used on apps that expect heavy traffic, hence, requiring more stability. Through its Document Object Model (DOM), a more seamless application performance is possible.


Angular uses TypeScript rather than JavaScript. Its appeal lies in the real-time reflection of a model from its view. This means that changing the model would instantaneously reflect a change in the view and vice versa. Moreover, Angular can be used in developing PWAs, although it is a much more complex framework.

In Conclusion

Front-end development is vital for any technological endeavor. Whether in creating mobile apps, websites, or others, developing what the users see must be a priority. Just as in any other case, trends come and go. There is no single solution to your development problems. However, it is still important to know what works for most people right now since it might be the same for you.