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The Importance of SSL Certificates in Web Development



Did you know that there are over 290 million SSL certificates on the web? That is a massive figure. Most web developers and webmasters are adopting SSL certificates and for a good reason. The web has become increasingly security-conscious. There is a growing need to secure user data and ensure secure communications. SSL certificates have been at the forefront in the war against cybercrime.

Beyond data security, these certificates also have lots of benefits. This article explores the importance of SSL certificates in web development. It examines the intricate workings of the certificate and the types of SSL certificates. Let us dive in.

What is an SSL Certificate and How Does SSL Certificate Work?

The acronym SSL stands for secure sockets layer. SSL certificate is a digital certificate that plays the role of authenticating the identity of a website and initiating encrypted sessions. It creates an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. It ensures that all data transferred between these parties is secure.

A website with an SSL certificate uses HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). HTTPS is a secure transfer protocol.

Here is a brief on how the SSL certificate works:

  • The SSL Handshake: Whenever a web visitor attempts to access an HTTPS website, the user's browser and the website server perform a handshake. The handshake entails the server sending a copy of its SSL certificate to the browser.
  • SSL Verification: Upon receiving the certificate from the server, the browser will verify the validity of the certificate. Verification is done to ensure the certificate is from a valid certificate authority and that it hasn't been altered.
  • Creation of Session Keys: If the browser ascertains the certificate to be valid, it generates a session key. It encrypts the session key with the server's public key. It will then send the encrypted session key to the server.
  • Secure Connection: The server uses its private key to decrypt the session key. From this point, the browser and the server use the session key to encrypt and decrypt data.

While this might appear as a somewhat complex process, the encryption process occurs within a fraction of a second.

Types of SSL Certificates

There are various types of SSL certificates. Each type serves various needs, based on validation level and the scope of protection.

1. Domain Validated SSL Certificates

DV certificates are the most basic. They provide basic encryption and are also the quickest to acquire. All one needs to acquire DV certificates is to prove domain ownership. DV certificates are ideal for small personal blogs and small websites.

2. Organization Validated SSL Certificates

OV certificates offer higher security than DV certificates. Apart from verifying domain ownership, these certificates go a notch higher to verify the legitimacy of the organization requesting the certificate. A certificate authority will check official documents to ascertain the identity of the organization. OV certificates are ideal for eCommerce stores and businesses.

3. Extended Validation SSL Certificates

EV certificates provide the highest level of trust and security. They involve a rigorous validation process. The CA will have to verify the legal, physical, and operational existence of the organization requesting the certificate. Because of the extensive vetting process, the certificate issuance will take time. They are ideal certificates for banking institutions, large eCommerce stores, and any business where maximum user trust is essential.

4. Wildcard SSL Certificates

Wildcard Certificates are a versatile kind. They secure the primary domain alongside all its subdomains. For example, a wildcard certificate for *example.com will secure www.example.com, blog.example.com, and any other subdomain. Because of its flexibility, wildcard certificates are ideal options for websites with multiple subdomains. They simplify certificate management and minimize costs.

5. Multi-Domain SSL Certificate

Multi Domain SSL secures multiple domains under a single certificate. Businesses operating several websites will find this type ideal. The certificate will cover domains like example.com, example.net, and example.org, among many others.

6. Unified Communication Certificates

UCC certificates are meant for Microsoft Exchange Servers. They are ideal candidates for office communication environments. UCCs secure multiple domains and host names on a single certificate. They are hence the best choices for complex communication setups.

Importance of SSL Certificates in Web Development

Web development professionals swear by the SSL certificate. And they do that for a good reason. The certificate brings a lot of benefits to the web development sphere. In this section, we will explore some of the benefits of SSL certificates in web development.

1. Data Encryption

This is the primary reason for having an SSL certificate in web development. The certificate ensures data safety by encrypting communications. Through encryption, only the website owner and the customers can read the communication. The certificate prevents third parties from accessing or decrypting the communication.

Data encryption helps to safeguard the website against threats such as man-in-the-middle attacks. It also prevents other forms of eavesdropping. By doing so, the certificate helps to ensure data integrity and confidentiality. These are two vital elements for eCommerce sites, banking institutions, and any other website that values trust.

2. Server Authentication

Server authentication is a vital aspect of SSL certificates. Through server authentication, users connect to the intended website and not an imposter. When a user visits a website that has an SSL certificate, the CA that issued the certificate will verify the server's identity. The authentication process entails the CA checking the credentials of the server against its records.

Server authentication prevents malicious actors from creating fake websites that are out to deceive users. Users can hence share their data with a server without the fear of getting hacked. From the entity's perspective, having a server certificate is a sign of an authentic certificate.

3. Secure Payment Processing.

An SSL certificate is a must-have component for any website that processes payments. If you run an eCommerce store, financial institution, or any online marketplace, you must have an SSL certificate.

The certificate secures credit card numbers, bank details, and other personal identification data. Additionally, you will need the certificate to be able to connect to major payment processors such as Paypal, MasterCard, VISA, and American Express, among others. Processing online payments without an SSL certificate can be highly risky. Lack of SSL means no encryption and unencrypted data is highly susceptible to data breaches.

4. Enhancing Website Performance

SSL certificates do more than just encrypt communications. They also contribute greatly to enhancing website performance. Modern SSL versions (TLS protocols) are optimized for speed. Combining the protocol with HTTPS/2 can greatly boost the loading times and overall user performance.

HTTPS/2, which requires HTTPS, brings onboard features such as multiplexing and header compression. These features play a crucial role in boosting website speeds. As such, websites with SSL certificates tend to load faster than their non-HTTPS counterparts. We all know what fast loading does to a website. They contribute to a perfect user experience, reduce bounce rates, and improve engagements.

For developers, it means that implementing an SSL certificate can be a big plus to both security and website performance.

5. Boosting SEO Rankings

Nothing pleases a developer more than building a site that is visible to its target audience. While there are many SEO strategies, HTTPS is one of the least expensive strategies. Search engines favor HTTPS websites over HTTP websites. If you are looking to outrank your HTTP competitor in search engines, it is time to go HTTPS.

Google has already explicitly stated that they use HTTPS as a ranking factor. It means that implementing HTTPS can give you a competitive advantage in SERPs. Developers aiming to boost their online presence and reach more users should consider employing SSL certificates in their SEO strategy.

6. Compliance With Regulations

As a developer or website owner, you do not want to incur unnecessary fines and penalties because of noncompliance. Regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation require websites to implement encryption to protect user data.SSL certificates are important in encryption and implementing them will help adhere to these regulations. Nonadherence could invite hefty penalties and other repercussions.


As a developer and website owner, you must have an SSL certificate. The certificate plays crucial roles such as data protection, boosting visibility, server authentication, boosting performance, and many others. These roles help websites to succeed. If you are a developer building a website or you intend to create your personal blog or eCommerce store, ensure you have an SSL certificate. This article has explained some of the benefits you will get by having an SSL certificate. It has also explained the workings of the certificate and highlighted some of the types of SSL certificates you can go for. Time to act and get one for your website.