Published onNovember 24, 2023How to Take iOS Simulator Screenshots with Device Bezels & Without the Toolbar!IOSIOS-App-DevelopmentMobile-App-DevelopmentAppleProgrammingIn this post we’ll learn how to generate screenshots of the iOS simulator with device bezels & without the toolbar. Watch the video or follow along with the steps detailed in the post.
Published onNovember 23, 2023Next.js Secure Authentication using cookies and server actionsnextjsauthenticationweb-developmentreactprogrammingauthserver-actionA guide to implementing secure authentication in Next.js using cookies and server actions.
Published onNovember 22, 2023Handling Browser Back and Forward in Reactreactreact-routerreact-router-domhistorynavigationA guide to handling navigation info when a user interacts with a browser's back and forward buttons.
Published onNovember 20, 2023Infinite Carousel IOS SwiftUIswiftswiftuiiosios-app-developmentprogrammingHow to create infinite carousel in SwiftUI.