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School Management System Projects With Free Source Code

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Are you in search of a complete School Management System Projects with Source Code?

If so, you’re in the right place!

Today, I will provide you with an overview of the major functionalities and the complete source code of a School Management System implemented in various languages.

Why should we use a School Management System?

The School Management System is the software that is developed especially for schools or other educational institutions.

It helps to make most of the school activities automatic and simple to conduct.

It not only helps in tracking and attendance.

But it also helps to reduce the chances of errors or omissions during the analysis of answer sheets.

List of School Management System Projects With Free Source Code in different languages

1. School Management System project in Python with Source Code

A School Management System In Python contains the admin side only that can manage the information in registration of the student, fee details, and student details.

For more details, you can access and download the complete source code here:

School Management System Project In Python With Source Code

2. School Management System In PHP Open Source

The School Management System In PHP was developed using PHP CodeIgniter and MySQL Database as the system’s Back-End.

This School Management System Project In PHP has a unique Interface design and a user friendly project.

And also this project has many features that answer’s the needs of school.

For more details, you can access and download the complete source code here:

School Management System In PHP Open Source

3. School Management System Django with Source Code

This School Management System runs Django Framework in the back-end and HTML, CSS in the front-end.

It has an interactive dashboard built in for teachers using which teachers can monitor students’ activity in the online school like their attendance, results, and enrollment.

  • Manage Teachers — In this feature, the user can manage all the information of teachers including, “add new teacher”, “update or modify teacher” and “delete teacher “.
  • Manage Students — In this feature, the user can manage all the information of students including, “add new student”, “update or modify student” and “delete student “.
  • Manage Students’ Attendance — In this feature the user can manage the attendance of the students.
  • Login/Logout System — With this feature, the user can log in and log out of the system.

For more details, you can access and download the complete source code here:

School Management System Django with Source Code

4. School Management System Project In Java With Source Code

School Management System Project in Java is an application developed in Java that is used to store all school-related records.

This project is handled by the administrator who has all the rights to edit or modify any school member information.

This Project is handled by the administrator who has all the rights to edit or modify any school member information.

For more details, you can access and download the complete source code here:

School Management System Project In Java With Source Code

5. School Management System Project In C++ With Source Code

This School System C++ is based on the concept to generate the school’s Information records and to add new student & update it.

The school management system will be in charge of carrying out a number of tasks, including maintaining and managing student records, managing admission details and establishing admission criteria for admission into different streams for specific classes, managing users within the school.

For more details, you can access and download the complete source code here:

School Management System Project In C++ With Source Code

6. School Management System in C# with Source Code

This software is used to keep track of information about students.

It is used by office staff, librarians, account officers, administrators, and other school staff to communicate and get work done.

This software for school management helps the school keep all the information about the different parts of the school in one place.

The software system gives users a log-in name and password so they can get to the files.

For more details, you can access and download the complete source code here:

School Management System in C# with Source Code

7. School Management System in Laravel With Source Code

The School Management System Project in Laravel is a web-based application.

This system facilitates in the management of information on teachers, students, and other elements.

Managing school and universities can use this type of system to manage information systematically.

This project is available for download, and you can make changes to the system to make it even better.

For more details, you can access and download the complete source code here:

School Management System in Laravel With Source Code


You’ve seen the list of School Management System Projects, available in different languages, along with free source code.

Therefore, it should now be easier for you to create your own system, depending on your preferred computer language.

I hope these resources assist you in creating your own project using the different programming languages mentioned above.